Next Generation Sequencing techniques have allowed detailed profiling of bacterial communities in high-throughput and cost effective manners. and cost effective manners. Sequence variation in the 16S ribosomal RNA gene is well suited to analyze bacterial taxonomic diversity in the gut, throat, ear, skin or any other microbial community. We provide services that cover the entire workflow from sample collection, DNA isolation, amplicon generation, sequencing to bioinformatic profiling.


We apply standard QC and Quality Assessment of sequence data, and offer optional more advanced data analysis services such as aligning reads and phylogenetic profiling and annotation.


Typical sample materials for DNA extraction for microbiome services are:


-- Stool, frozen or in stabilizing solution

-- Urine, fresh or frozen

-- Swabs (e.g., nose, eye or skin), frozen or in stabilizing solution


Our automated DNA extraction procedure is well suited for amplicon generation as well as for metagenomics analyses.


The microbiome services we offer are:


-- 16S rRNA microbiomic profiling

-- 18S rRNA microbiomic profiling

-- Metagenomic / shotgun sequencing


As an example, a typical 16S profiling service of high body mass material would include:


-- Amplification of V3 V4 variable regions of 16S rRNA gene

-- QC and normalization of amplicons

-- Overlapped sequencing at a depth of >50,000 reads per sample

-- Multisample phylogenetic profiling and annotation



For more information, please contact dr. Gaby van Dijk.